
Gabriel's Story

“As the mother of Gabriel Girón Pamal, I wish to express my deep gratitude to Pro-chapina for its support in various aspects. First of all, I want to highlight the assistance they provide us in terms of transportation, facilitating transfers from my home to the hospital and vice versa. This help has significantly eased the emotional and financial burden. Additionally, the financial contribution we received from ProChapina has been essential to cover Gabriel's medication expenses.

They have held Happy hour, during which fundraisers were held specifically for Gabriel's wellbeing. Prochapina has also provided us with essential practical resources, such as diapers and medicines, further easing the economic burden.”

Lidia's Story

"Thanks to the Prochapina association for the support they have given us. Before Prochapina's intervention, we were facing precarious conditions in our bathroom, lacking a shower and with facilities in a deplorable state. Thanks to your generosity and the commitment of this association, we have experienced a significant improvement in our bathroom. Prochapina helped us remodel our bathroom, in which we already have a shower, they implemented hot water and made the bathroom more comfortable, so we can have more space in the house. We have also received the benefit of medical sessions at no cost and free medicine. The association has provided us with clothing, and has allowed us to give our children a better life"

Contact Us
  • (WhatsApp) 502-4218-4668
  • [email protected]
  • 3rd Street 1-69 Zone 4
  • Vieja Sacatepequez, Guatemala
About us

A nonprofit focused on women's education in Guatemala.

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